Wondering what Motor Trade insurance and the different types actually are and what they cover? Find out here.
Frequently Asked Motor Trade Insurance Questions
Find out what different type of Motor Trade insurance are and what they cover.
Combined Motor Trade is a specialist insurance designed for businesses that work in the motor trade and also own their own premises. Policies act as a one-stop shop for property liability and road risk needs - covering vehicles and business premises under one policy.
Road Risk insurance is designed for part-time or full-time motor traders who handle any vehicle for their business. It is a legal requirement needed to drive vehicles in connection with work. Types of scenarios covered by Road Risk insurance include moving a car from a customer's home to your garage for repair work, or when buying and selling vehicles.
Mechanic insurance is designed to cover a number of trades in the sector, including auto electricians and mobile mechanics. The risks associated with the motor trade require specialised insurance to protect your livelihood, so if something unfortunate were to happen you’ve got peace of mind knowing you’re covered. Policies can include public liability insurance which can cover you against accidental injury or damage to third party property.
Motor Trade insurance is designed for part-time or full-time motor traders who handle any vehicle for their business. It is a legal requirement needed to drive vehicles in connection with work.